Breathing Group Classes

Breath group classes

Breathing Assessment & Treatment Group Classes for Physiotherapy Clients at Move Authentically Physiotherapy

with Christine Campbell, MScPT

4 Monday evenings, 6:00pm to 7:30pm, upstairs at KIHC



These small in-person group classes are recurring, and designed for current clients of Christine Campbell. Participants will leave with an individualized treatment plan (and sometimes homework!) pertaining to that class’s main topic of discussion. For more information, please contact Christine directly or speak with her during your next appointment. Space is limited to 6 participants.


Your class slot is scheduled and billed as a follow-up appointment, which is $85 per session. Please note that though KIHC is very happy to continue hosting Christine’s excellent group work, all scheduling and details are being managed by Christine Campbell directly, from her new location.


Breathing Group Class Syllabus

September 30th, 2024: What’s your breathing pattern?

Understanding why our breathing is important, is essential to changing it! In this session we’ll take an in-depth look at how breathing plays a vital role in our health. We’ll discuss how maladapted breathing patterns directly impact our nervous system, our muscle tension, chronic pain, and even the pH of our whole body. We’ll take preliminary measurements of how well each participant breathes, and monitor our breathing measurements for improvements over each session.


October 21st, 2024: Adapt your breathing for optimal health

In this session, we’ll use the baseline measurements from session one, to develop a treatment plan for each participant. We’ll explore breathing retraining exercises, nasal health, stretches and strengthening movements. An in-depth discussion on habit building will help set participants up for success!


November 11th, 2024: Advanced breathing exercises

In this session, we’ll progress the breathing exercises with advanced tools and exercises that will allow participants to further challenge their breathing in a safe and effective manner. We will also continue to explore the breath with mindfulness practices.


December 2nd, 2024: Posture & Breathing

Our posture directly affects our breathing mechanics. We’ll spend time determining your ideal positioning, and discuss how exercise can improve our breathing mechanics. Each participant will leave with an individualized exercise plan.



**Photo by Saad Chaudhry on Unsplash 

breathing, Physiotherapy


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