Navigating the Stars: A Family Constellations Workshop Series

Family Constellationswith Sarah Knight

March 6th, 27th and April 17th, 12:30 to 4:00 pm EST, by Zoom
Tickets on Eventbrite

Family Constellations is a therapeutic and energetic method for bringing people into an embodied understanding of the connections between personal disease and dysfunction, and their family of origin and inherited ancestral trauma. In this 3-part workshop series, Family Constellations Practitioner and Reiki Master Sarah Knight will guide participants through various individual and group experiences.

Each workshop is designed to:

  • bring clarity and understanding around our own personal experiences of suffering;
  • allow for energetic relief and ease;
  • support shifts in personal relationships;
  • initiate processes of deep and lasting change.


The first workshop focuses on our family “stories” of suffering and how we can access the original truths of our ancestors that contain much greater healing potential. The second and third workshops will take us into how our bodies hold our parents, and we will find out where we can create more space to move and grow by re-establishing some sense of “right” relationships with both mom and dad.

Workshop One, March 6: The Bright Ancestral Stars in Your Sky: Connect with the true energy of your ancestral origins through an exploration of the original light of your family system and see the patterns of suffering in your own life through new eyes.

Workshop Two, March 27: Connecting the Dots with Mom & Dad: Whether or not you know your mom and dad now, or ever did, how you hold yourself in relation to their positions in your constellation is of vital importance to navigating your own life in so many ways, and becoming the bright star that you came here to be. Note: This work does not require any actual earth-based work from mom and dad – or even that you knew them at all.

Workshop Three, April 17: Being all the Light that YOU are: What would it take for you to clearly take your place in your constellation in relation to your ancestors, your family of origin, and your chosen family of partner, friends, children, home and career? In this workshop we will explore the dynamics at play in your life now, and how you can adjust your own position so that your light can truly shine.


Queries to Sarah, [email protected].

Energy medicine, Mental health


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