Family Constellations: When disease turns up in service to love
Upcoming family constellations workshops, with Sarah Knight, open to beginners. Next One: March 20th, 6-8:30 pm. For more information visit–training.html or contact Sarah directly, [email protected].
When disease turns up in service to love
The work of Family Constellations is all about making visible the invisible forces that drive the behaviours, beliefs, symptoms, and patterns that seem to thwart us in our efforts to live a good life.
One of the foundational views of this work is that when seen as part of the whole all of that which binds us to suffering and unwellness suddenly makes sense. So much of what we try to push away or to “fix” has really just turned up in service to highlighting the places where love stopped flowing in our family system, that is where trauma is held, where events remain unresolved, or where someone was excluded. When what lays beneath all of our seeming dysfunction is able to be really seen then the whole system can heave a sigh of relief and the energetic release can be palpably felt.