Author: Dr. Angela Hunt, ND, MSCP

Dr. Angela Hunt is an experienced Naturopathic Doctor and an integral part of the Kingston Integrated Healthcare team since 2015. She maintains a large family practice and treats a variety of health concerns including all aspects of hormone imbalance, autoimmune conditions, digestive concerns, and mental health. She is a Menopause Society Certified Practitioner.

De-Stressing The Holidays


Post-holiday season, usually around mid-January, I have patients coming into my clinic showing signs of extreme fatigue and exhaustion.  They sigh, “The holidays just wiped me out and I have no energy left”.  Their immune systems are weak, they have gained a few extra pounds and barely have enough stamina to put the holiday decorations away.  Sound familiar? Avoid a holiday melt-down this year by following these simple pro-active suggestions.

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Super Powerful Throat Tea


As the cold and flu season encroaches on us it is nice to have a few treatments options at your disposal. This recipe is easy and uses simple ingredients found at home, but the best part is, it really helps! Brew this tea at the very first signs of a tickle in your throat and if your throat is feeling sore. It is especially effective for strep throat symptoms. Drink at least 4 cups a day for relief.

WARNING: This drink is potent. The garlic (a key ingredient) can kill most forms of bacteria but leaves your breath strong enough to ward off vampires. I think this is fine – you are getting sick and this isn’t the time to be a social butterfly. Curl up with a good book and sip away on this tea- you will thank me in the morning.

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B12 Deficiency: A Hidden Epidemic

b12Dr. Angela Hunt ND

For a while now, we in the north have known that vitamin D deficiencies are common in our society. It is recommended that all Canadians take 600 IU daily of the sunshine vitamin to maintain general health[i]. Health Canada also stopped screening for vitamin D deficiencies in the general public because everyone was showing up to be deficient[ii]. However, as our society works to keep their vitamin D levels up, another common vitamin deficiency could be going under the radar. Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin that plays a key role in nerve function, energy, memory, and thought processing.  As important as Vitamin B12 is, our screening methods in Canada could be missing most deficiencies.

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Bio-Identical Hormones Information Session

Angela HuntBio-identical hormones offer treatment options for menopausal symptoms such as insomnia and anxiety. They also play a role in men’s health, and fertility. Dr. Angela Hunt, Naturopathic Doctor at KIHC, is pleased to announce the addition of bio-identical hormone prescriptions to her practice. For more information, please attend her complimentary information session next month, or visit our facebook page. Call or email to reserve your spot – registration is required for this event.

Tuesday September 27th, 7:00pm

Free Admission

Workshop Space at KIHC

Menopause: Navigating it Naturally

Menopause natural treatmentLet us start this off by reminding everyone that menopause is NOT a disease but a natural cycle in a woman’s life. This life cycle can be a bit rough for some, but there are ways to navigate through it more easily. The definition of menopause is one full year without any menstruation[i]. It is important to note that numerous women start to experience menopausal symptoms even before their period has completely stopped, a time called “peri-menopause”. Peri-menopause can start up to a decade before menstruation stops, making this whole process a drawn out affair. I want to cover some of the natural options women have for managing symptoms during their menopausal years but first, let’s review the most common symptoms. 

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Dark Chocolate and Cranberry Protein Balls

protein ballsThese no-bake protein balls are a great “grab n’ go” option for busy summer days. They are nut free, dairy free and gluten free- which means they are safe to take to school. I usually make a big batch (doubling the recipe) and then put them in the freezer. They freeze beautifully and then you can just take out a couple as needed. The cranberries and dark chocolate chips are a favorite in my home but you can switch it up with any dried fruit.

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Are The Foods You Eat Causing Your Headaches?

Head shot of woman scowling

Most of us have experienced a minor headache before, but did you know that over half of us experience an excruciating headache at least once a year?  Unfortunately for many of us, headaches happen a lot more frequently than once a year and can be quite debilitating. When treating patients who suffer from chronic headaches or migraines, it is important to understand the “root cause” of their head pain. I find most patients clearly know what triggers their headaches. I have heard explanations ranging from the weather to their mother-in-law, but a key starting point to treatment is always understanding what truly triggers the pain.  For the sake of simplicity I will be using the term “headaches” to refer to both headaches and migraines. I completely appreciate that there is a difference as I too was once a migraine sufferer. Regardless of whether your headaches are occasional minor headaches or frequent migraines, the following information may help you feel better.

The Basics

Before we dive into the “food-headache” connection, there a few common culprits to chronic head pain that should be ruled out first. The following is a list of things to focus on.  After correcting for these factors, if the chronic headaches are still present, then it may be worthwhile exploring a food sensitivity connection.

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Blueberry and Walnut Whole Grain Muffins

Muffin Newsletter These muffins are delicious, hardy and so versatile! The blueberries and walnuts can be substituted for any fruits and nut combination. This weekend I decided to use the rhubarb from the garden (1/2 cup) and strawberries (1 cup) the results were so yummy! The added greek yogurt gives these muffins a protein boost and they can easily be converted to gluten free. Remember if you are avoiding eggs the egg in the recipe can be replaced by 1 tbsp of freshly ground flax seed pulsed in 2.5 tbsp of water. This will also give you the added benefit of extra fibre.

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Anxiety in Children

with child

By Dr. Angela Hunt, BSc ND

 When I started in naturopathic medicine I was so excited to work with kids. I assumed I would be treating lots of upset tummies and stubborn rashes. Don’t get me wrong, I do commonly treat gastrointestinal issues and eczema in little ones. Yet, there is another condition that I treat far more and it may surprise you. Anxiety is by far one of the most common ailments I see in children walking through my door. I never would have guessed that stress and anxiety are so rampant in our children, but research confirms my experience and shows that anxiety is on the rise.

Several studies show consistently that there has been a dramatic increase in anxiety and depression among children and adolescents over the past three decades. It should not be shocking that with this increase we have also seen a marked increase in the prescribing of anti-anxiety medications among pediatric populations. Children as young as two years old have been reported to be on Prozac (a common anti-anxiety medication). This is clearly alarming, and I’d like to go over what anxiety looks like in children, why it is on the rise, and some naturopathic alternatives to pharmaceuticals. 

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Weight Loss Wisdom

By Dr. Angela Hunt ND

As a Naturopathic Doctor, weight loss is probably one of the most common reasons people venture into my office. Many of us struggle with maintaining a healthy weight and a multi-million dollar weight loss industry can give of us poor advice. There are so many expert opinions and fad products floating around, it is hard to know what is useful and what is simply a myth. At times you can be making all the right choices but still not losing weight, suggesting some physiological roadblocks. Here are the myths, the roadblocks and the game changers when it comes to building natural weight loss wisdom.


Extreme low calorie diets are necessary for weight loss.

Will you lose weight from going on an extreme, reduced calorie diet? Absolutely. Will you keep the weight off when you return to your typical diet?

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