Registered Social Workers offer many forms of counselling and therapy that can help you attain happiness and harmony in your relationships, work, and community life. Social workers provide the majority of counselling and psychotherapy services in Ontario.
People seek therapy for a variety of reasons, including for mental and emotional health concerns related to stress, trauma, chronic illness, and relationships. Clients might attend just a few sessions to address a particular concern or choose to continue long-term therapy for more extensive support. Sessions generally last 50 minutes and are available in-person or by secure video.
Registered Social Workers are government-regulated health professionals and their services are often covered by extended health insurance plans. At KIHC, these services are offered by Mary Broeders. She is available for complimentary introductory “meet-and-greet” appointments.
We respectfully acknowledge that Kingston Integrated Healthcare is situated on ancestral Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee Territory. Since time immemorial they have cared for these lands and waters, and we are grateful. We recognize that a healthy environment is essential to the wellbeing of all people and all life.