Author: Dr. Sonya Nobbe, ND

Dr. Sonya Nobbe is a Naturopathic Doctor and Director of Kingston Integrated Healthcare Inc. She has been practicing in the Kingston area since 2007. Dr. Sonya maintains a family practice, with a clinical focus on complex chronic disease, including Lyme disease and Fibromyalgia.

Mindfulness to Speed Up Healing

Stress comes in all forms. It’s the busy multi-tasking daily routine, the chronic pain condition, the challenging relationships with family and coworkers. This chronic tension, whether we recognize it or not, triggers our sympathetic nervous system, creating a heightened “fight-or-flight” mode in which stress hormones increase, immune function decreases, and inflammation ensues. This state is a survival mechanism designed to remove us from danger at all costs. And cost us, it does.

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Lyme Disease Disconnect

Lyme Disease. I have a difficult time thinking of a more contentious health topic. The chronicity of the disease continues to be rejected by most of our medical professionals despite intense pressure from grassroots and non-profit organisations to remain more open minded about the thousands of Canadians suffering with chronic, debilitating symptoms.[i] Patients ask me: “How is this knowledge gap possible? Why aren’t our medical doctors prepared to treat these symptoms?” I have a few ideas.

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Reversing Pre-Diabetes

Perhaps you had a routine physical exam and blood testing with your Medical Doctor or Naturopathic Doctor and discovered that your blood sugar was uncomfortably high. Maybe you’re concerned about your family history of diabetes or heart disease and already recognize that prevention is key.  It’s a common scenario in my office, perhaps because an estimated 22% of Canadians have pre-diabetes. For the most part, type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle illness, but not always in the way we think it is.

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Allergies From Stress

Stress allergies

Ever wonder why your seasonal allergies vary in intensity from year to year? What makes them so much worse this year compared to last season? It’s not as simple as environmental fluctuations that change how plants bloom. Your immune reactions against otherwise harmless things like pollen fluctuate and adapt according to what else is happening in your body. And unlike the growing season, your body’s reaction to this environmental stressor is one thing you have more control over than traditionally considered.

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When Anti-Depressants Don’t Work For You

depressedBefore the year 2000, most medical approaches assumed that the adult brain continuously lost brain cells and was incapable of regeneration. We now know that the brain is incredibly plastic, meaning that it can adapt, grow, and heal. Up until 2 years ago, we believed that the brain was anatomically entirely separate from our immune system. However, the very recent discovery of lymphatic vessels that directly connect the brain to our immune system have incredible implications for our broader understanding of brain health. Add to this a growing body of compelling research linking aberrant immune function to mood disorders, and we finally have some serious tools to investigate alternatives to the traditional serotonin-promoting antidepressant pharmaceuticals that fail for so many people with depression. 

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We’re Recruiting!

doctors[1]We’re searching for a community-oriented team-player who’s passionate about integrative healthcare! The ideal candidate is an experienced, full-time, regulated health professional in private practice. Areas of expertise might include men’s health, chronic pain, geriatrics, psychology, family medicine, community outreach, or environmental medicine. Please visit our  opportunities page for details, and send all inquiries to

Insomnia Disorder

Hispanic woman looking at alarm clock

According to the Canadian Sleep Society, up to 40% of Canadians have insomnia symptoms and up to 13% qualify as having a sleep disorder. Generally speaking, if you’re distressed by poor sleep at least 3 nights a week for a minimum of 3 months, and there is no obvious explanation for your sleep problem (such as a drug side-effect or crying infant), then you qualify as having insomnia disorder. 

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Top Seasonal Allergy Tips

Young woman blowing nose

The immune system is one of our most precious resources for good health. Seasonal allergy symptoms are an indication of an overactive immune response against harmless pollens and are a useful sign that our immune system requires some support.  Here are some simple strategies to reduce your seasonal allergy symptoms and improve your immune system health. 

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EMF Reader Rental Program

emf readerElectromagnetic Fields (EMF), cause serious health consequences in as much as 8% of the population in developed countries. Some European countries have designated EMR-free zones for citizens afflicted by Electrohypersensitivity (EHS). Symptoms can be quite individualized, but may include headaches, heart palpitations, skin rashes, insomnia, tinnitus, nausea, anxiety, and brain-fog. People with chemical sensitivities, Lyme disease, Fibromyalgia, and autoimmune diseases, may be more sensitive to EMR.

For more information about EMFs, please review our previous blog posts. A check-list of exposure sources and additional website resources is available on our website, here.

Our Cornet EMF reader is available to current KIHC patients, for a weekly rental fee of $20 plus HST. Please ask your practitioner for details.


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We respectfully acknowledge that Kingston Integrated Healthcare is situated on ancestral Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee Territory. Since time immemorial they have cared for these lands and waters, and we are grateful. We recognize that a healthy environment is essential to the wellbeing of all people and all life.

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