Breast Cancer Prevention: Is Mammography Effective?

Consider your relationship with each of nine women in your family.  Statistically speaking, one of these women is likely to develop breast cancer in her lifetime.  Breast cancer continues to be the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death in Canadian women.  And though most people tend to think of breast cancer as that which affects only older women, it is the leading cause of cancer death in young women aged 30 to 49.  Our medical establishments respond with recommendations that women perform monthly breast self-examinations (BSE) and biennial mammograms (breast x-rays), though recent studies suggest that both of these screening protocols are scientifically unjustified.  Some medical professionals even consider these guidelines to be harmful.  Following is an outline of some of the newest research to help a woman protect her breast health. 

A recent Statistics Canada publication states that: “Mammography is an important preventive practice for the early detection of breast cancer.”  These authors, like many authors in the mainstream medical system, use the word “prevention” to imply prevention of death.  Not prevention of breast cancer.  In other words, screening for breast cancer with mammograms and self-examinations is not the same as engaging in preventive practice.  Furthermore, a recent gold-standard statistical analysis of 7 studies involving half a million women, determined that for every 2000 women screened with mammography over 10 years, death might be prevented in 1 woman.  The unfortunate consequence is that an additional 10 healthy women would be misdiagnosed with breast cancer and receive unnecessary treatment.  Screening for breast cancer can have negative consequences.

A recent scientific statistical review suggests that breast self-examination (BSE) as a screening tool for breast cancer could also be harmful.  Of nearly 400,000 Russian and Chinese women, those who conducted BSE were not less likely to die of breast cancer compared to women who did not conduct BSE.  More importantly, the women who performed BSE were twice as likely to undergo a potentially unnecessary breast surgical procedure for suspected cancer.  These results are consistent with a Canadian study (conducted more than 15 years ago), which found that BSE and even breast examination conducted by a medical practitioner did not prolong life.

Despite this evidence, an individual woman must keep in mind that scientific studies have inherent limitations.  These population-based studies do not consider an individual woman’s hereditary risk factors for developing breast cancer, or lifestyle.  They do not separate out the benefits to women with many risk factors versus the potential risks to women who are statistically unlikely to develop breast cancer.  These studies are not able to objectively evaluate whether a woman approaches her breast screening routine with fear, or with a sense of empowerment.  How might this determine the benefit or harm of a screening exam?

Discuss your concerns with a medical professional and consider having them teach you proper breast self-examination technique with the mind set that you are maintaining health, rather than searching for disease.  When evaluating the best breast cancer screening tools for you, know your risk factors and know what you can do to reduce or eliminate those risks.  Develop a breast cancer prevention plan that matches your health philosophy with appropriate breast screening tools.

Reduce your Risk

Traditionally, there are hereditary breast cancer risk factors that a person cannot change, and lifestyle factors that you can manage.  In fact, a woman has far more control over her chances of developing breast cancer than traditionally considered.  The following recommendations are only a very brief introduction to the possibilities for reducing your risk of developing breast cancer. 

  1. Test the state of estrogen metabolism in your body and ensure a predominance of the weaker, protective estrogen called estriol. Traditionally, women are told that if they started menstruating early in life (before age 11), did not experience pregnancy, had menstrual cycles shorter than 25 days, and experienced a late menopause (after age 52), they are at increased risk of developing breast cancer.  These factors are linked to a woman’s lifetime exposure to estrogen.  Specialized testing available through a naturopathic doctor may help you evaluate the consequences of this exposure by exploring how well your body protects itself from harmful estrogens.  This may include evaluating liver health, thyroid health, and progesterone hormone levels.  

  2. Complete a mild liver cleanse at least twice a year that targets efficient metabolism and elimination of estrogens and waste products.   Enzymes in the liver prepare estrogens for excretion into the intestine.  Many other substances use the same enzyme pathways so regular cleansing and a nutritious diet help to keep these pathways moving smoothly.  The liver is also responsible for protecting you from harmful chemicals absorbed from your environment (e.g. pesticides, phthalates, bisphenols in plastics) that can impact hormone balance.  Many environmental toxins are scientifically linked to increased breast cancer risk.

  3. Sleep well!  Our bodies release the hormone melatonin during the night, which helps to inhibit breast cancer cell growth.  Shift work, insomnia, and poor sleep habits have all been linked to increased breast cancer risk.

  4. Examine your spiritual self.  Many ancient medicines equate breast cancer with spiritual concerns regarding self-care and nurturance.  Mainstream medical science proves links between stress, our perception of stress, and our risk for developing cancer.  Practicing regular visualizations, meditation, or yoga has been associated with decreased risk of cancer development.

Thyroid Controversy

A couple of months into winter and many people are noticing the cold, fatigue, and weight gain more this year than last. They may write-off the changes to the “winter blues”… but could a more serious health concern be responsible for these changes? 

Low thyroid function, also known as hypothyroidism, mimics many other health disorders and is difficult to accurately identify despite its prevalence. Some studies suggest that hypothyroidism may affect as much as 10% of the population, particularly women over the age of 55. The symptoms of hypothyroidism are vague and include intolerance to cold, mild weight gain, fatigue, aching muscles, and constipation. Some less recognized symptoms include high cholesterol, forgetfulness, and wrist pain that mimics carpel tunnel syndrome. Some people have no symptoms at all but identifying the condition might still be worthwhile given that hypothyroidism has been linked to heart disease, arthritis, and depression.

How to best identify and treat a person with hypothyroidism is somewhat controversial. A medical professional may assess the health of your thyroid gland with a blood test that measures Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), a hormone produced by the brain. An abnormally high TSH may mean that your brain is working excessively hard to stimulate the underactive thyroid gland. In Ontario, most laboratories indicate that you do not have an underactive thyroid if your TSH level is below 5. However, the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists stated over 5 years ago that this range should be reduced to 3, so that anyone previously considered “healthy” with a TSH between 3 and 5 should be assessed further for hypothyroidism. 

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The Stress – Sugar Craving Connection

It’s often not possible to simply ‘will’ your way through sugar cravings.  Stress and inflammation are both significant triggers that can actually cause your body to crave carbohydrates.  Fighting the cravings without managing the stress or pain will often result in failure. 

A big holiday dinner can be quite satisfying… and stressful.  When you eat a large meal, your body releases a cascade of hormones, including insulin, to signal the cells to absorb the sugars and proteins.  Many of the component amino acids of proteins are absorbed by the muscles.  Tryptophan, an amino acid used to make the “feel-good” brain chemical serotonin, is generally not absorbed by the muscle.  Instead it is left free of competition from other amino acids to be absorbed into the brain, where it is converted into serotonin. 

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The Miracle Sugar Replacement

Stevia (Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni) is an herb that has been used as a natural sweetener in various Asian countries for decades and in parts of South America for centuries. It is calorie-free, low-cost, and up to 320 times sweeter than sugar. It is not an artificial sweetener like aspartame and sucralose, and is the only sweetener I know of that helps to balance blood sugar. It is therefore a safe sugar alternative for diabetics and ideal for anyone prone to sugar cravings… and weight-gain!Recent research suggests that stevia may also fight viruses, treat cancer, decrease high blood pressure, and reduce inflammation. Quite a wonder when you consider that excessive sugar consumption is associated with just the opposite outcomes: poor immune system function, increased inflammation, and high blood pressure. 

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Naturopathic Perspective

This article is a continuation of “What is Naturopathic Medicine” in my December newsletter.  

Many people choose to develop a health partnership with an ND because they dislike the pharmaceuticals or surgery options offered by their family MD.  They are more comfortable with the concept of using something natural to cure their ailment.  However, becoming a naturopathic patient frequently involves more than subscribing to diet and lifestyle changes, or taking various supplements.  It gives you the freedom to view your health from an entirely different perspective and potentially achieve a wellness you never thought possible.    

The reason you caught your child’s cold this time but not last is a reflection of the millions of processes occurring in your body at any one moment.  These processes include the biochemical events generated by our thoughts and emotions.  It is well documented that emotions generate, and are generated by, numerous complicated reactions all over the mind and body.  Dr. Candace Pert wrote the book Molecules of Emotion, an account of her ground-breaking discovery in the 1970s that proves the physiological basis of emotion.  Dr. Pert has since published hundreds of scientific articles corresponding to the “emotion-carrying” chemicals that circulate in our blood and activate receptors located not only in our brain, but also in our immune system, nervous system, and endocrine system. 

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