Search Results for “breathing

Love Hormone (and Heart Rate Variability)

Have you heard about the love hormone? It’s called oxytocin, and research correlates high levels with being in-love, mother-infant bonding, trust, and empathy. Most research focuses on your brain as the production site of this hormone, but your heart actually produces and stores a significant amount of it. Your heart also produces other critical hormones, […]

Reversing Pre-Diabetes

Perhaps you had a routine physical exam and blood testing with your Medical Doctor or Naturopathic Doctor and discovered that your blood sugar was uncomfortably high. Maybe you’re concerned about your family history of diabetes or heart disease and already recognize that prevention is key.  It’s a common scenario in my office, perhaps because an […]

Smoking Cessation with Acupuncture  

Acupuncture is a popular, well researched method to help smoking cessation. It is very effective because of its ability to reduce cravings and alleviate withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, anxiety, stress and difficulty concentrating. Acupuncture also helps the body detoxify and repair after quitting smoking. Why Should You Quit Smoking? There are approximately 4000 documented toxins […]

What is Hypnobabies?

Many people have heard of Hypnobirthing and wonder if Hypnobabies is the same thing. Hypnobabies is a specific method of Hypnotic Childbirth, which teaches real medical hypnosis techniques, creating an automatically peaceful, relaxing and more comfortable pregnancy, a calm confident Birth Partner, and an easier, much more comfortable birthing for our Hypno-Mom. How is this possible? Hypnobabies […]

Menopause: Navigating it Naturally

Let us start this off by reminding everyone that menopause is NOT a disease but a natural cycle in a woman’s life. This life cycle can be a bit rough for some, but there are ways to navigate through it more easily. The definition of menopause is one full year without any menstruation[i]. It is […]

Natural Summer Mosquito Control

With the unseasonably wet spring and the cooler than normal temperatures that we’ve had this year, entomologists have predicted a very ‘buggy’ summer. Fortunately, there are things that we can do to help prevent that annoying buzzing near our heads and the red itchy after-bites. 

Acupressure to Improve Digestion

~ Jianmin (Jamie) Xu, Registered Acupuncturist With Christmas approaching, it is the season of holiday cheer, family gatherings, parties, travel, shopping, cooking and cleaning. Many people cope with digestive disorders caused by holiday stress, not getting enough sleep, and overeating. Acupuncture is extremely effective at treating a vast array of digestive disorders such as acid […]

Acupuncture Points to Boost your Immune System

Follow this self-acupressure treatment routine to support your immune system and ward off colds and flus this season:** 1. Get into a comfortable position. 2. Spend 30 seconds on each point, following the order shown below. Apply firm pressure while breathing steadily into your abdomen. 3. As a maintenance routine, you can do this once […]

New Year Resolutions and the Zen of Quitting Smoking

Dr. Christina Vlahopoulos, BscH, ND, MPH cand. When the calendar rolls over to the New Year, many think about creating healthy habits or trading old habits for new ones. It might include getting more sleep, eating healthier foods and getting more exercise. However, for some it is to quit smoking and if this is you, […]


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We respectfully acknowledge that Kingston Integrated Healthcare is situated on ancestral Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee Territory. Since time immemorial they have cared for these lands and waters, and we are grateful. We recognize that a healthy environment is essential to the wellbeing of all people and all life.

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