Search Results for “breathing

Holding Your Breath Can Delay Healing

Many of us are familiar with the image of someone “hyperventilating” (breathing rapidly) as a reaction to stress. However, the opposite is also true from periods of prolonged stress: In times of continued mental, emotional, or physical stress (such as chronic physical pain), our breathing can become shallow and we may even hold our breath […]

Breathe to Heal Workshop

Christine Campbell, Registered Physiotherapist and Lisa Sabatini, Reiki Master and Mindfulness instructor, come together in this unique breathing workshop: Breathe to Heal.

Just breathe!

“Just breathe!” This is often much easier said than done! There is a great deal that goes into healthy breathing, especially given the stressors of the twenty-first century. Breathing is foundational to our health and yet many of us are not breathing well.

Mona Warner, CAP, AYT Schedule an Appointment Mona Warner, CYP, AYT Āyurvedic Doctor, Āyurvedic-Yoga Therapist Mona Warner, an Āyurvedic Doctor, Certified Āyurvedic Practitioner, Āyurvedic-Yoga Therapist, and author, is dedicated to the growth and nurturing of the global community through her passion for Āyurvedic and Yogic Education.  She is a leader in this field, having enjoyed thousands of […]

Anxiety Help!

If you’re feeling more anxiety than usual right now, you’re not alone. Many of our clients are reporting feelings of anxiety that interfere with relationships, work, and sleep. It’s a natural and common response to this pandemic and the uncertainty that comes with it. It’s further amplified when our stress-relieving activities like social gatherings and […]

Chronic Pain Top 10 for Recovery

Our bodies are designed to heal. When acute pain becomes chronic, we know other factors are at play. Chronic pain is a complex condition often involving the immune system (e.g. inflammation), the nervous system (e.g. the brain and neurotransmitters), and endocrine system (e.g. stress hormones). An integrative approach investigates each of these systems and your […]

Natural Toothpaste Recipes

My recent National Geographic issue suggests that 1 billion toothbrushes are discarded each year in the US. Because plastic takes so long to degrade, it means that every toothbrush discarded since the 1930s is still out there, somewhere. The same likely goes for plastic tubes of toothpaste. Given how harmful plastic is to our environment […]

A Breath of Fresh Air

This Earth Day, let’s explore healthy breathing and gratitude for fresh, clean air! What are Breathing Pattern Disorders? Breathing pattern disorders (BPDs) include a range of abnormal respiratory patterns, such as shallow breathing from our upper chest, or hyperventilation, where we breathe too quickly. Breathing dysfunctions impact our energy levels, mental clarity, chronic pain conditions, […]


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We respectfully acknowledge that Kingston Integrated Healthcare is situated on ancestral Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee Territory. Since time immemorial they have cared for these lands and waters, and we are grateful. We recognize that a healthy environment is essential to the wellbeing of all people and all life.

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