Have you tried the Snowflake diet?

the best diet

We are all beautiful snowflakes.

Unique.  Differently shaped by both the way we are formed (our genetics) and our environment. Impacted by our journey through the lifespan.   Changeable as we age.  With specific paths and specialized patterns.  Unlike any other.

Yep – snowflakes and humans have a lot in common.  Which is why when I am asked “what diet is the best diet?”  as a certified holistic nutritionist and wellness educator my answer is “the Snowflake diet!”

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Fasting Mimicking Diet

Fasting Diet

Often when patients come to see a Naturopathic Doctor they ask, “What should I be eating”? They recognize that what they consume each day has a profound impact on how they are feeling and their overall health. However, when and how much they are eating may be just as important as what they are eating. What if one of the most impactful things you can do for your health is to actually eat less?

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What frequencies are you emitting?

As a scientist turned energy healer I often reflect on one of the fundamental equations of science, E=mc2.

Einstein’s equation tells us that energy (E) and matter (m) are interchangeable. It says that a beam of light and an apple core are essentially the same thing.  The c in the equation represents the speed of light, and tells us that when energy is released from matter, it travels at the speed of light.

Another quality of energy is that it vibrates at a certain frequency, depending on the kind of energy that we are talking about.

In Kingston, there’s a lot of talk about harmful energetic frequencies emitted by electromagnetic fields. Like all energy, this energy has the ability to interact with matter, possibly changing its structure. This is certainly a great concern.

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Why Environmentally-Responsible Choices are Also Healthy Choices

Healthy Lifestyle and Environment

“Climate change is the greatest threat to global health in the 21st century.” World Health Organization

Many of us know that healthy lifestyle choices are also environmentally responsible choices. We know, for example, that biking to work rather than driving, is healthy. We know that reducing our exposure to synthetic chemicals by using natural household cleaners and eating organic food is also correlated to better health. But have you stopped to consider why this relationship exists?

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Anxiety: It’s not all “in your head”

I’m concerned by the sudden rise of debilitating anxiety in the patients who walk through my door. These people are feeling deeply unstable, ungrounded, and unsafe. Anxiety is harming their relationships with people, with food, and their environment. They’re confused by the cause of their anxiety and are hoping that I have a pill to take it away. Though I often suggest a pill to help, the real value in our work comes from identifying and treating the underlying source of anxiety. For those of you struggling with anxiety currently, I’m sharing some of the common contributing physical causes that are often overlooked. (In other words, it’s not “all in your head” and we can do something about it.)

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Helping Others Boosts Happiness and Health

Having recently returned from a working holiday trip to Tanzania, a place that I visited in 2011 and that continues to draw me back, I’ve been reflecting on why it holds such appeal to me. One might think that volunteering at a children and women’s centre, housing a number of orphans and disadvantaged widows, would breed some pretty heavy emotions, but I beg to argue that the opposite can actually be true.

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Benefits of Mental Illness

By Olivia Mew, Queen’s Student

We’re grateful to have had Olivia complete her Queen’s University Community Internship with us here at KIHC. 


Having a mental illness is often considered a flaw or weakness, but does it have to be? With a small change in perception, mental illness actually provides many strengths and positive attributes in an individual.

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Did Climate Change Cause Lyme Disease?

Where did this Lyme epidemic come from? “Tick-checks” weren’t a thing when we were kids. Now, ticks not only swarm our conservation areas, but also our gardens and children’s playgrounds. More than 1/3 of them in our area are infected with Borrelia, the bacteria believed to cause Lyme Disease, and an unknown number are infected with Lyme “co-infections” such as Bartonella and Anaplasma. Our instinctual response to this threat is to kill tick populations as quickly as possible… But history, ecological principles, integrative medicine and current research all teach us that this approach doesn’t work. A more sophisticated approach, one that acknowledges underlying causes of this epidemic, is urgently required.

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We respectfully acknowledge that Kingston Integrated Healthcare is situated on ancestral Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee Territory. Since time immemorial they have cared for these lands and waters, and we are grateful. We recognize that a healthy environment is essential to the wellbeing of all people and all life.

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