A Breath of Fresh Air

This Earth Day, let’s explore healthy breathing and gratitude for fresh, clean air!

What are Breathing Pattern Disorders?

Breathing pattern disorders (BPDs) include a range of abnormal respiratory patterns, such as shallow breathing from our upper chest, or hyperventilation, where we breathe too quickly. Breathing dysfunctions impact our energy levels, mental clarity, chronic pain conditions, and overall wellbeing.

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Garden Now, Live Longer

I need to start this article with sharing my person bias: I love gardening. This hasn’t always been the case but a few years ago we started our own vegetable garden. Now I have the gardening “bug”. I have been delighted to find just how much peace and calm digging in the dirt gives me, not to mention the loads of fresh, healthy produce. I think you should start a garden too…

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“If we all did the things we are really capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.”
Thomas A. Edison

Yes. I absolutely believe this to be true. The Possibility Project Podcast is my latest exploration in to this largely undiscovered territory of the miracle of all that we could be.

We are made of the stuff of seemingly infinite possibility. From one cell, we become 26 billion by the time that we are born. From that one cell, the information that it contains, and the energetic environment that it is left stewing in, we become creatures of incredible complexity. Even now, in the approximately 30 trillion cellular mass that you are, you lose and create over 50 billion cells every single day. Our bodies hum with the power and possibility of infinite creation.

And yet, we spend most of our lives narrowly focused on feelings of impossibility.

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Interview about Sleep, with our Clinical Pharmacist

You might be wondering whether your pharmaceuticals are interrupting your sleep, or whether a pharmacist can help you choose a safe over-the-counter drug to treat the occasional restless sleep. We asked Tarek, our Clinical Pharmacist, a few targeted questions about how he approaches insomnia with his clients.
1. Which medications do you frequently see interfering with people’s sleep? 

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Resolving Insomnia

Apparently, the world record for the longest time staying awake, achieved by a teenager in in the 1960s, is 11 consecutive days. Can you imagine how awful he must have felt? How irritable, illogical, and accident-prone, he must’ve been? Even chronic, small bits of sleep deprivation are associated with development and progression of chronic illness, and about twice the risk of a car accident. And yet,

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3 Steps to Avoid Unpleasant Arguments

By Lindsay Dupuis, M.A., C.C.C.

When couples fight, they often report going over the same problems time and again. Furthermore, many people express frustration around not feeling heard by their partners during an argument, and nothing really changing afterwards. This is a problem seeing as the root of most arguments lies in unmet needs in one or both partners. When needs go unmet, it often causes a rift in the pair bond,

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Book Review by Dr. Angela Hunt ND

BOOK: The Conscious Parent: Transforming Ourselves, Empowering Our Children by Shefali Tsabary

I was told about this book, ‘The Conscious Parent’ by Shefali Tsabary, a while ago and it sat in my “To Be Read” pile for a couple of years. It wasn’t until I heard her interview on Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations podcast that I finally picked it up. I am happy I did.

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Preparing for Climate Change

Later this month, KIHC’s Energy Therapist, Sarah Knight, will be representing Green Economy member KIHC at the Kingston Climate Change Symposium, where she will give a short talk and “Climate Change Trauma Release” mini-workshop. So how does an Energy Healer find her way to a Climate Change Symposium? Here, Sarah explains just how important it is that we start really doing our internal work to support the healing of our external environment. 

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The Hype About Probiotics

Are you familiar with the term “echo chamber”? Amongst other things, it’s a media concept that describes how the internet works. Instead of expanding our awareness and experience of the world, it can limit it. The belief systems or “lens” we inadvertently apply in our social media engagements and google browsing, is amplified and reflected back to us. We only see what we already believe to be true. As the internet giants adapt to keep us engaged, our society becomes more polarized, with more extreme political views, and violence. Healthcare is not immune to this effect.

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We respectfully acknowledge that Kingston Integrated Healthcare is situated on ancestral Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee Territory. Since time immemorial they have cared for these lands and waters, and we are grateful. We recognize that a healthy environment is essential to the wellbeing of all people and all life.

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