COVID-19: What Are We Missing?

COVID and Immune SystemWhen I sit with a patient who has complex symptoms, especially if they’ve worked with other skilled practitioners with no obvious success, I ask myself: “What piece of the puzzle is still hiding?” “What am I unable to see clearly?” Answers often lie in exploring the illness from a completely different or old-world perspective, such as the more interconnected concept of yin and yang that contrasts with traditional Western linear approaches. We can apply the same concept of balance to this pandemic too, with eye-opening results that I hope we can all take comfort in.

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The Secrets of Stillness

StillnessI am a bit in awe of how fast things can change. There have been many examples of this lesson in the last month, but the most impactful one for me is that “nothing is certain”. I thought I had already learned this lesson, but watching the dramatic changes to society and our community over the last few weeks has made me realize that I am still learning this lesson. Learning how to let go of the need for things to be certain and to be in control. Remembering that all I truly control is my inner state of being and reaction to the outside world. Inside all this uncertainty is a glimmer of hope for healing, that glimmer comes from solitude.

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Musings Unprecedented TimesIn this unprecedented time of self isolation and suffering it is the opportunity to seize the moment. The monastery has come to us.

What to do:

Relish this period of slowing down to be here now. Explore the present moment. Every time you are aware you have leaned forward into the future or leaned back into the past; come back NOW to this exquisite moment before it slips away. What is present in the moment for you to See, Hear, Feel? How can this present moment support you?

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Cooking with what’s on hand

Cook from your pantry holistic nutritionWhen the going gets tough, the tough get cooking.  And maybe from pantry ingredients that you are not used to having to rely on for meals.

Here’s a FREE resource for you. A Bite out of Life recipe book, featuring 20 meal ideas that you can cook up using just pantry staples – canned, dry goods, frozen options.  So you are not resorting to eating ‘storm chips’ and  take-out every single day!

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Lyme Disease: Defining the Controversy, Part I

Lyme Disease ControversyWhat is Lyme Disease? This question seems simple enough, and perhaps for the people who successfully recover on their own or with an antibiotic, the answer is simple. But for the 5% to 20% of individuals who develop persistent, debilitating symptoms for months to years after the initial infection, the definition is anything but simple. Depending on the circle you run in, the illness is called Chronic Immune Dysfunction (CID), Multi-Systemic Infectious Disease Syndrome (MSIDS), Post-Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS), Chronic Lyme Disease, Persistent Lyme Disease, or it plain just doesn’t exist.

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Why Fever is Crucial

Treat a FeverA few years ago, on completing an intense months-long pharmacology course, I was shocked to learn that keeping a baby’s fever down with ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol) will NOT prevent febrile seizures. While parents are now more widely aware of this myth, patients and practitioners still seem generally unaware of the possibility that blocking a low-grade fever could be harmful.

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COVID-19 Message To Our Clients

Kingston Integrated Healthcare

To our clients, your family members, and our community,


It’s here. And we’re here to help.

Our health facility will remain open over the coming weeks, but we ask that you take Public Health guidelines seriously and do not visit our clinic if you have any reason to suspect that you may be carrying the COVID-19 (“corona”) virus. This includes:

  • If you feel unwell and have symptoms such as dry cough, shortness of breath, or fever
  • If you’ve traveled out of the country in the previous 2 weeks

Public Health advises that all individuals who fit these guidelines stay at home (self-isolate) and call Telehealth Ontario (1-866-797-0000) or their local public health facility (613-549-1232).

We’re suspending late cancellation fees for the upcoming 3 weeks and want to be sure you know that all of our Naturopathic Doctors, Holistic Nutritionists, and Clinical Pharmacist offer online and telephone consultations. (Please call or email us directly to schedule this kind of appointment.)

This isn’t about “feeding the fear”. It’s about necessary sacrifice to protect our public healthcare system so that vulnerable people have the medical attention they need. Pandemics spread exponentially, meaning that even though only a few cases are currently reported, these few cases can become hundreds or more within hours, which could overwhelm our hospitals. We need to blunt the curve and ensure a slower spread so that the few people who do need care, can access it.

Our immune systems are built to address viruses such as these and certainly the far majority of people experience only mild symptoms, if any at all. Many of our patients are already familiar with ways of supporting optimal immune function – please read our past blog for more ideas (more to come!) or give us a call for more support.


Dr. Sonya Nobbe, ND, Clinic Director

Boosting your Immunity in a Time of Virus Anxiety to Stay Healthy

Immune system supportYou cannot turn on the radio or open social media these days without seeing something about the global spread of infections and viruses.  Whether it is the COVID-19, seasonal influenza or the rapid spread of Lyme disease year on year, one thing is for certain: our immune systems have never been more critical to our good health.  And more under siege.

Helping our patients recover from complex chronic infections has taught us a great deal about the power and fragility of the human immune system. We’ve learned to respect a virus’s incredible capacity to circumvent our body’s well-constructed defences (acquired over billions of years of evolution).   We’ve also learned to source natural ingredients that support our immune system in ways that pharmaceutical science has yet to replicate and make accessible.

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Hormones at sea  – Part 1: peri-menopause, heavy bleeding and fibroids

Perimenopause heavy bleeding

As an ND who focuses on women’s health in my practice, it is not uncommon for me to see patients in their late 30s or early 40s complaining of heavy, frequent periods. Often these are accompanied by other frustrating symptoms such as painful cramping, breast tenderness, headaches, insomnia, and irritability. As annoying as these symptoms are, however, heavy bleeding is the one most likely to cause serious problems with anemia or blood loss, and potentially lead to recommendations for uterine ablation or hysterectomy. In the meantime, women may be prescribed hormone replacement therapies such as hormone based IUDs, the ‘pill’ or HRT, which can themselves cause other adverse effects.

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The Fantabulous Five Fs of Healthy Hormones

Healthy Hormone DetoxAdapted from Trish’s blog: Bite out of Life


So, we’re going through the ABC’s of Healthy Hormones and well, it seems I got a tad carried away with “F”…We have a whopping four of them as well as an ‘F’ recipe, so I’m counting it as five!

Today, we’re talkin’ Fibre, Fluids, Ferments, Fitness and for fun (see how I did that? LOL), the recipe of the week is Figs, Flax ’n Ferment.  Phew. 

To many, my ‘F’s’ are just a random list of ‘healthy things we should all be doing’ (and you’re not wrong!) but perhaps more importantly, they also relate to the removal of toxins – which is vital when you are looking at a healthy hormone system. 

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We respectfully acknowledge that Kingston Integrated Healthcare is situated on ancestral Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee Territory. Since time immemorial they have cared for these lands and waters, and we are grateful. We recognize that a healthy environment is essential to the wellbeing of all people and all life.

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