Farewell, from Courtney

I want to thank the staff of KIHC and each of the lovely patients I have had the pleasure of serving for the past 5 years. I have made the difficult decision to pivot to online/virtual practice and away from offering in-person consults at KIHC. I will still be offering Nutrition consults online only, starting November 1st.

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Boost Your Appetite While Beating (or Fighting) Cancer

Cancer appetiteIf you are undergoing treatment for cancer, you may have noticed a change in your appetite and desire to eat. There are many cancer treatments that can lower your appetite, even cancer itself can cause a loss in appetite for various reasons. A loss of appetite, called anorexia, can lead to weight loss and make you feel weak and tired, which affects your quality of life and response to cancer treatments.

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What Causes Depression? Apparently, not Serotonin Deficiency.

About one year into the pandemic, the renowned medical journal, The Lancet, published a study in which 34% of COVID-19 survivors were diagnosed with a new neurological or psychological condition within 6 months of infection. It’s one of the many reasons why so many members of our community are struggling with low mood and mental health concerns right now. Many conventional treatments for depression hinge on the entrenched theory that serotonin deficiency causes depression. But this theory has been questioned many times, including very recently by authors of a large review paper, who emphasize that we have no convincing evidence for this established Serotonin Hypothesis.2 It’s time to leave this myth behind us and seriously explore additional avenues of treatment for depression.

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Satsang Meditation Group

Meditation“When meditation is mastered,

The mind is unwavering like the

Flame of a lamp in the windless place.

In the still mind,

In the depths of meditation,

The Self reveals itself.”

~ The Bhagavad Gita

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COVID-19 Policies May & June 2022

COVID-19 UpdatesYou may have heard that healthcare facilities in Ontario are required to continue masking policies until at least June 11th. This mandate reflects our responsibility to our vulnerable patients and helps to ensure our ability to continue supporting our community throughout this current wave of COVID-19 infection.

Our other policies have not changed:

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Best Water Filters

water filtersMany of us are already aware that even mild chronic dehydration contributes to fatigue, brain fog, headaches, constipation, insomnia, and many more health challenges! Quantity matters.

You may also be aware of the “extra organ” in your body called a microbiome that’s comprised of billions of bacteria, trillions of viruses, and which keeps you alive.[i] It exists predominantly in your digestive tract, and it eats and drinks what you eat and drink. Unsurprisingly then, the quality of our drinking water significantly influences the health of our microbiome, with profound implications for our overall health. (The chlorine in our city water is not selective for just “bad” bacteria.)

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Post-Viral Fatigue, “Long-haulers”, and Acupuncture

Post-viral fatigueRespiratory viruses don’t cause chronic fatigue. Or at least that was the prevailing conventional wisdom before this pandemic and subsequent research that identifies somewhere between 10 and 60% of people with lingering symptoms 6 or more months following COVID-19 infection. We call this “Post-Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2” (PASC). For the millions of people diagnosed with “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome”, “Fibromyalgia”, or even “Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome” (POTS) – all of unknown cause – the mainstream recognition of post-viral causes of fatigue might be accompanied by a sense of relief and hope: “Is this the cause of my symptoms too?”

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We respectfully acknowledge that Kingston Integrated Healthcare is situated on ancestral Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee Territory. Since time immemorial they have cared for these lands and waters, and we are grateful. We recognize that a healthy environment is essential to the wellbeing of all people and all life.

© Kingston Integrated Healthcare. All rights reserved.