COVID-19 Policies March & April 2022

COVID-19 UpdatesPublic health measures are changing quickly and so are some of our KIHC COVID-19 policies. Our policies reflect our position as a healthcare facility and our responsibilities to more vulnerable patients. They are different than those implemented in public places by the Ontario government.

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we work to maintain a safe and welcoming space for everyone here.

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Family Constellations: When disease turns up in service to love

Family Constellations workshops

Upcoming family constellations workshops, with Sarah Knight, open to beginners. Next One: March 20th, 6-8:30 pm. For more information visit–training.html or contact Sarah directly,

When disease turns up in service to love


The work of Family Constellations is all about making visible the invisible forces that drive the behaviours, beliefs, symptoms, and patterns that seem to thwart us in our efforts to live a good life.

One of the foundational views of this work is that when seen as part of the whole all of that which binds us to suffering and unwellness suddenly makes sense. So much of what we try to push away or to “fix” has really just turned up in service to highlighting the places where love stopped flowing in our family system, that is where trauma is held, where events remain unresolved, or where someone was excluded. When what lays beneath all of our seeming dysfunction is able to be really seen then the whole system can heave a sigh of relief and the energetic release can be palpably felt.

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Your Health Hinges on your Nervous System

Nervous systemThese days it seems everyone has elevated stress levels. Most of us don’t realize just how much that affects our health and wellbeing. Our nervous system acts as an information superhighway, delivering messages throughout our body regarding stress management. From a Shamanic Healing perspective, this is how and why it matters:

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The Optimism Test

OptimismCan you prevent depression and anxiety? The research says that yes, sometimes you can! By practicing the skill of optimism.

How we think about bad events, matters. Many healthy people and critical thinkers unknowingly tend toward pessimistic thinking and this is a known risk factor for depression. Further, cultivating the skill of optimism is protective against depression. Are you naturally a more optimistic or pessimistic thinker?

This optimism test, provided by Dr. Marty Seligman, a Positive Psychology researcher and professor at the University of Pennsylvania, is a good place to start! (Visit their website for more optimism tests and authentic happiness questionnaires.)


“A pessimist sees the difficultly in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” Winston Churchill


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Your Personal Risk of Illness from COVID-19

COVID-19 riskI’ve been watching some great webinars presented by the Institute of Functional Medicine, that summarize current research about COVID-19. The science is piling up to support what many of us know to be true for other infections: our lifestyle habits play a key role in risk of developing severe illness, and we have more control over our risk than commonly acknowledged.


Here are some research highlights that might surprise you:

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Farewell, from Trish

Holistic Nutrition Trish KrauseDear KIHC Community:

It is with mixed emotion that I announce that I am leaving the clinic at the end of December, 2021.   

It has been a privilege and a pleasure to be part of this outstanding team.  All the practitioners at KIHC are top-notch when it comes to supporting the health of our community, and I am very grateful for the opportunity to have served clients and supported this team for these past few years.    There may be some new collaborations with KIHC or individuals here and so here’s hoping our paths may cross again!

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What are You Willing to Suffer For?

Health goals journeyThe answer to this question can help you stick to the most difficult healing work: Exercise, dietary regimes, reframing your thoughts and perspectives about life, healing a chronic illness, spiritual growth. In other words, what is so meaningful to you that through pain or discomfort, you’d still want to do the work? This is what you’ll use to find the strength to continue choosing the healing work each day.*

This is also part of the archetypal hero’s journey: The classic human experience of traversing challenges toward satisfying and deep transformation.

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5 Keys for Creating New Habits and Lasting Positive Change

new habitsChange can be tricky to navigate. Creating and keeping new habits can be even trickier. It’s important for us to remember that anything new will take some time and effort to become part of our new “normal”.

What is “normal”? The truth is, “normal” is different for each of us. What’s normal for my body, my thoughts, my emotions, and energy, is likely very different than yours. Just because something is normal for us, doesn’t mean it’s healthy. So, we are talking about creating wonderful new habits, right? Then why are we talking about unhealthy habits? Here’s the thing: If we just mask over poor habits with new ones, the old ones can sabotage our efforts for change. We need to dismantle them first.

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We respectfully acknowledge that Kingston Integrated Healthcare is situated on ancestral Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee Territory. Since time immemorial they have cared for these lands and waters, and we are grateful. We recognize that a healthy environment is essential to the wellbeing of all people and all life.

© Kingston Integrated Healthcare. All rights reserved.