Mindful Photography

Saturday April 21/12 from 10-4, at Kingston Integrated Healthcare
Instructors: Kaye-Lee Pantony and Robin Westphal
Cost: $79 for the full day, includes light lunch.

Discover the healing power of stillness. This course is designed to help you become aware of the difference between your inner chatter and internal stillness Through some guided reflective exercises and photography instruction we will begin to see the differences between these two states of mind. Moving ourselves to an inner state of stillness we will use our cameras to “see” what this looks like. We will learn how to choose between these different states of mind and how this can have a positive impact on our over all well being.

For more information on the workshop please visit Kaye-Lee’s website, here, or email Kaye-Lee at kpantony@cogeco.ca.

Naturopathic Legislation is Changing

Patient Letter to Support Legislative Transition

Dear KIHC patients,

The legislation governing Naturopathic Medicine in Ontario is changing, and we need your help to ensure that the naturopathic profession continues to grow as a critical health resource for Ontarians. Though not all of us at KIHC are Naturopathic Doctors (NDs), the legislative changes made to the ND scope of practice will impact all of the professions practicing at KIHC and consequently you, our clients and supporters of integrative medicine. These changes have the real potential to remove barriers from an integrative team like ours working more closely with family health teams, community health centres, and hospital programs…

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Every Monday for 6 weeks, 10am to 11am, October 24th to November 28th
Facilitated by Carol Belanger, BA, RM
$60 for all 6 classes, or $12 per class ● Maximum 8 participants

Qigong is an ancient Asian practice that uses breath and movement to cultivate energy and health. It is similar to Tai Chi and Yoga but with easier movements and less strain. Please wear loose comfortable clothing.

Mindfulness Meditation

Every Tuesday for 4 weeks, 7pm to 8:45pm, October 11th to November 1st
Facilitated by Jocelyne Leyton, DOMP
$80 for the 4 week course ● Maximum 10 participants

This four-week course is an introduction into mindfulness meditation and a support to those who wish to deepen their practice. Meditation may be practiced by followers of any (or no) religion.

Fall Detox, Safely & Effectively

Wednesday October 12th, 7pm to 8pm
Facilitated by Dr. Christina Vlahopoulos, ND
Cost: $10, or a donation to the food bank

Seasonal detoxification includes the practice of supporting our body’s efforts to efficiently eliminate harmful chemicals and metabolic waste. Dr. Christina will lead a question and answer session about why cleansing is important for overall health, how to do this safely, and how to navigate the dozens of health store “detox kits”.

Mindful Photography

Saturday November 5th, 10am to 4pm
Facilitated by Kaye-Lee Pantony, Psychotherapist, and photographer Tracy Olan
$110 for the day
May be covered by extended health insurance plans under “Psychology”

Discover the healing power of stillness. This course is designed to help you become aware of the difference between your inner chatter and internal stillness. Through guided reflective exercises and photography instruction we will begin to see the differences between these two states of mind. Moving ourselves to an inner state of stillness we will use our cameras to “see” what this looks like. We will learn how to choose between these different states of mind and how this can positively impact our over all well being.

Cooking with Whole Grains

Wednesday November 2nd, 7pm to 8pm
Facilitated by Dr. Christina Vlahopoulos, ND
$10 or a donation to the food bank

Confused by quinoa but tired of rice and potatoes? Please join Dr. Christina for a fun evening of cooking with whole grains. Diets that include whole grains help to maintain healthy weight and prevent many chronic illnesses, such as heart disease and diabetes.

Chronic Pain & Self-care with Trigger Points

Wednesday November 16th, 7pm to 8pm
Facilitated by Joel Ackerman, RMT

Learn to manage pain by identifying and treating your own trigger points, a common underlying source of many types of pain. Trigger points are areas in muscle tissue that can refer pain to other areas in the body and are common aggravating factors in chronic pain conditions, including headaches, back pain, arthritis, sciatica, carpel tunnel syndrome, and tendonitis.

Break the Pain Cycle

Tuesday, August 16, 2011, 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Maximum 10 participants ● Refreshments provided
Cost: Free

This workshop is appropriate for anyone who experiences chronic pain or who is a caregiver for someone experiencing chronic pain. Chronic pain conditions include pain due to injury, motor vehicle accident, fibromyalgia, migraine, arthritis, and cancer survivorship.

Learn to manage pain by identifying and treating your own trigger points, a common underlying source of many types of pain.

Learn the secrets, tools and strategies to manage and live with pain.


Joel Ackerman, BSSc, Registered Massage Therapist
Joel uses myofascial release, Shiatsu techniques, and muscle energy techniques in treating all types of conditions, including chronic pain.

Terri Macdonald, BA, BST, PGAP Macdonald & Associates Counselling and Consulting Services
Terri works with children, youth, teens, adults, couples and families, in the areas of mental health and wellness coaching. She is also trained in a specialized pain management program (PGAP).

Please call to register at least 3 days in advance.

Open House! All are welcome.

Friday, May 13th, 3:00 to 7:00
Kingston Integrated Healthcare

We’re getting ready for our open house! Join us for draw prizes, facility tours, chair massages, acupuncture demonstrations, healthy treats, and a lot of fun! Please help us spread the news by downloading a copy of our Open House poster, here: Open House May 13th 2011

Please share your story! Our goal is to spread the word about how integrative, natural healthcare plays an important role in our health care experience. If you’d like to share how this medicine has benefited your life, please write a little paragraph and send it to us. We’ll display it at our open house in hopes that others might be inspired to incorporate additional medical perspectives into their healthcare. (With your permission, we’d also be happy to include it in our next newsletter.) Anonymous stories are fine, and stories certainly aren’t restricted to experiences at KIHC. Please drop off your story at reception, mail me, at drSonya@kihc.ca.


Sign-up for our monthly newsletter for updates, unique health information, and workshops worth sharing!

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We respectfully acknowledge that Kingston Integrated Healthcare is situated on ancestral Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee Territory. Since time immemorial they have cared for these lands and waters, and we are grateful. We recognize that a healthy environment is essential to the wellbeing of all people and all life.

© Kingston Integrated Healthcare. All rights reserved.