Author: Sarah Knight, PhD, RM

Returning to Your Healing Roots

Many of us have personal experiences of hands-on healing, and certainly for me the profound healing I received from my mother in 2004 was a pivotal moment in my path to become an energy healer myself. For those that may not have a personal experience, you will likely still have heard stories, from friends and acquaintances, or from books and legends. Stories of the healing miracles fill religious texts. Whether or not you believe them,

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Why learn Reiki?

reiki-sarahClose your eyes, and bring your attention to the palms of your hands. Most likely you will almost immediately feel them warming, and might notice a tingling or electric sensation. If you now put your hands anywhere on your body – your tummy or heart is a good place to start – you may feel that warming, soothing sensation enter your body. This is healing energy, and the truth is, we ALL have access to healing energies, ALL of the time. But through lack of use, just like a muscle that spends too long at rest, this ability atrophies. Attention can waken up this ability, and training from a qualified teacher can hone and strengthen it while bringing forth a memory deeply buried in your cells of how to use this healing energy.

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Sleep & The Chi Cycle

newletter-sleep-secrets-chi-cycle-oneSarah Knight, PhD, RM

How energy flows through the body is intrinsically linked to how we function during the day, and how we sleep at night. If you have ever lain in bed in the middle of the night, eyes wide open, mind and body alert, then you will have a clear understanding of this.

Life force energy, or “chi”, moves through our bodies in a 24 hour cycle. Just like a boat travelling down a river, there are specific times of the day where our chi is most active along certain energetic pathways (called “meridians”) in the body. For example, most people rise during stomach time, 7-9 am, when the stomach chi is most active. This is a good time to have your first meal, and signals to the rest of the body that you have arrived in to this new day. 

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Reiki Level 1

reiki-sarahReiki Level one teaching weekend with Reiki Master and Bioenergy Practitioner Sarah Knight, Nov. 11-13, at KIHC. Receive the Reiki Level one attunement and learn how to work with this beautiful healing ray on yourself, and others. Contact Sarah at for more information.

Energetic Blockages: The Low-Down

iStock_tulipsEnergy healing works on the entire system, and can affect people on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.

It is my belief that energy stagnancies and blockages underlay all other complaints and conditions. Occasionally an energetic blockage results from a physical trauma, such as an accident or fall for example, but most often the blockage precedes the manifestation of physical or mental pain, discomfort or disease. How long the blockage sits there, the nature of its origin, an individual’s personal and ancestral health history, and where the blockage sits in the system, are just some of the factors that will affect how it manifests in any one person’s mind or body.

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Shake it Loose!

einstein energyIn my world, energy is everything.

Energy and mass are interchangeable (E=mc2). We are energy. Everything is energy. We are connected to everything around us through energy. Energy is a dynamic force, constantly in motion. We are immersed in it, drawing in fresh energy from the divine around us, and releasing energetic waste as required.

What happens when energetic free-flow becomes obstructed? Similar to your physical waste mechanisms, energetic waste needs to be cleared, and where it isn’t, stagnation and sickness can result. Physical malfunction has underlying energetic blockages.

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Science, Energy Medicine, and EVERYTHING!

By Sarah Knight, PhD

Human beings are capable of many things. In each one of us exists the possibility to create works of art, run a business, fly a plane, earn a fortune, or lose a fortune! The choices that we make and the possibilities that we foster are often determined by circumstance. The country and family that we are born into, the teachers and other guides that we gravitate towards, and the opportunities that are presented to us along the way certainly play a very large role in how we play out our lifetimes.

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