Articles & Workshops

and holistic information.

How to Set Up an Ergonomic Home Workspace

As many of us have transitioned to working from home, I thought this would be a great opportunity to discuss how to set up an ergonomic office or workspace. Having a great set-up can prevent injuries, such as neck strain, carpal tunnel and repetitive strain injuries, from occurring a few weeks do…

Online Counselling Support

Greetings from the East Coast! As I write this letter to my old friends and colleagues at KIHC in early May, this marks my 1.5-year anniversary here in Nova Scotia. A lot has happened during this time. While continuing to provide remote counselling sessions for some of my old KIHC clients, I’ve e…

Natural Toothpaste Recipes

| Dr. Sonya Nobbe, ND
My recent National Geographic issue suggests that 1 billion toothbrushes are discarded each year in the US. Because plastic takes so long to degrade, it means that every toothbrush discarded since the 1930s is still out there, somewhere. The same likely goes for plastic tubes of toothpaste. Given…

COVID-19: What Are We Missing?

| Dr. Sonya Nobbe, ND
When I sit with a patient who has complex symptoms, especially if they’ve worked with other skilled practitioners with no obvious success, I ask myself: “What piece of the puzzle is still hiding?” “What am I unable to see clearly?” Answers often lie in exploring the illness from a completely diff…

The Secrets of Stillness

| Dr. Angela Hunt, ND, MSCP
I am a bit in awe of how fast things can change. There have been many examples of this lesson in the last month, but the most impactful one for me is that “nothing is certain”. I thought I had already learned this lesson, but watching the dramatic changes to society and our community over […]


In this unprecedented time of self isolation and suffering it is the opportunity to seize the moment. The monastery has come to us. What to do: Relish this period of slowing down to be here now. Explore the present moment. Every time you are aware you have leaned forward into the future or leaned…

COVID-19 Updates at KIHC

| Dr. Sonya Nobbe, ND
Thank you for keeping in touch as we try to stay on top of changes required to keep the more vulnerable members of our community healthy. Our reception desk remains open to ensure you can refill your prescriptions and schedule or manage your telemedicine appointments with our team. However, our o…

Cooking with what’s on hand

When the going gets tough, the tough get cooking.  And maybe from pantry ingredients that you are not used to having to rely on for meals. Here’s a FREE resource for you. A Bite out of Life recipe book, featuring 20 meal ideas that you can cook up using just pantry staples – canned, dry goods, [&…

Top 5 Healthy Experiments While in Isolation

| Dr. Sonya Nobbe, ND
There are a few things I’ve always wanted to try, but there were always so many people around me, it would’ve been inconsiderate! Maybe you can relate? And if I only had a bit more time, there are activities I would enjoy learning and experimenting with from home. I’ve compiled a short list…

Lyme Disease: Defining the Controversy, Part I

| Dr. Sonya Nobbe, ND
What is Lyme Disease? This question seems simple enough, and perhaps for the people who successfully recover on their own or with an antibiotic, the answer is simple. But for the 5% to 20% of individuals who develop persistent, debilitating symptoms for months to years after the initial infection…


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We respectfully acknowledge that Kingston Integrated Healthcare is situated on ancestral Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee Territory. Since time immemorial they have cared for these lands and waters, and we are grateful. We recognize that a healthy environment is essential to the wellbeing of all people and all life.

© Kingston Integrated Healthcare. All rights reserved.